January 2, 2025
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5 Things You Can Learn From Buddhist Monks About Yankees Clubhouse

I’ve seen many a clip of them, Yankees Clubhouse the Buddhist monks. I’ve watched their peaceful expressions as they stand in their orange robes, looking at me with judging eyes. I’ve read about how they detach from all worldly possessions and dedicate themselves to meditation and self-denial.

But when it comes to the Yankees, it’s different. They’re just regular people who like baseball too much to quit after September call-ups have ended. They’re my friends who have watched as I’ve taken them to Yankee Stadium and showed them my love for pinstripes. They’re the ones who have walked alongside me when I was down, and looked just as impressed as when I won a World Series ring.

So, after months of getting to know these guys, here are 5 things you can learn from their lives:

1) You can’t beat them if you don’t play hard.

I’m sure you’ve seen the clips of them. These monk-like, elderly men just sit there, oblivious to everything around them. They are content with their life, completely at peace. There is no anger in their hearts, no fighting in the world’s hardest game. But somehow they always seem to win!

2) They don’t keep score.

But they win, no matter who has scored more runs or won more games. They just win because they don’t care. This can be a lesson to us all. You can never win if you don’t try to win, and if you don’t go through the effort to try, then you’re taking the easy way out. And when you fail at that, too, it’s pretty obvious why.

3) They work hard at what they do.

Buddhist monks are the ones that sit in their rooms, alone, meditating their entire lives. They have no income and no possessions. Yes, they work hard at what they do and are extremely disciplined. But they also know how to enjoy life as well.

4) They’re fearless.

They aren’t afraid of anything that can hurt them, including other people (in rare cases). Another lesson to us is that with fear comes problems, and if you’re not even afraid of them, then you’re not taking the proper precautions.

5) They aren’t fast.

They have no energy, no stamina. They have no need for speed, because they know they can get there when they want. The same goes for our life: we don’t need to go fast to make things happen quickly or successfully; we just need to go there when we want to.

So, in the end, perhaps our special guest monks can teach us all something. And that’s to stop and enjoy life wherever you are, completely at peace about things. Don’t try too hard or get discouraged when you lose, because in the end it does not matter what happened. All that matters is how you feel about it, especially when you win.

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Yankees Clubhouse, is a website that focuses on the New York Yankees. We are a website that provides news, blogs and views on the team and the sports world in general. We also have unique features on our website that are not seen on other websites.

We want to create a community of people from all over the world who are Yankees fans. We want to show them that there is a website dedicated to the team that is easily accessible and full of content for them to enjoy.


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