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Music Review: Zach McKenzie’s “The Day that I Found You”

Music Review Zach McKenzie's The Day that I Found You
Photo Courtesy: Zach McKenzie

In the balanced confluence of nostalgia, hope, and new beginnings, Zach McKenzie’s latest single, “The Day that I Found You,” emerges as a brilliant testament to his undeniably rich artistry. Released on March 29, 2024, this song not only enriches McKenzie’s discography but also solidifies his place in the modern music landscape.

From the soulful arcs of its melody to the poignant sincerity in the lyrics, the single is a deep well of emotion. Zach McKenzie, known for his powerful vocal capabilities since his Arkansas Idol days, delves into a narrative that is both personal and universal. The song addresses the joyous realization and appreciation of a transformative love that shifts the very axis of one’s life.

The arrangement of “The Day that I Found You” is executed with delicate finesse. Opening with soft, melodious guitar strums that gently usher in McKenzie’s seasoned voice, the track soon builds into a compelling crescendo that mirrors the emotional surge in its lyrics. The chorus, catchy yet unassuming, is likely to resonate with those who have experienced the life-changing impact of profound companionship.

Lyrically, the song is a crafted piece of poetry. Phrases like “The day that I found you was the day my life got started” not only showcase McKenzie’s skill as a songwriter but also highlight his ability to transfer his feelings into words that strike a chord with the listener. This lyrical depth transforms what could have been a simple love song into a narrative of rebirth and existential joy.

Vocally, McKenzie has never sounded better. His voice, rich and emotive, navigates the complexities of the melody with ease. There is a noticeable confidence in his delivery, a testament to the fifteen years of refining his craft in venues across Nashville and Arkansas. His performance in this track is both a throwback to his roots in gospel and a forward motion into soul and country terrains.

The song’s production, helmed by Lee Turner of 2twenty2 Studios, complements the emotional weight of the track without overwhelming it. The balance between the acoustic elements and the lush background harmonies creates a soundscape that is both expansive and intimate—a tricky plateau to achieve in any musical creation.

Moreover, the release of “The Day that I Found You” was accompanied by a music video that encapsulates the essence of the song beautifully. Directed by Joe Lane, the video enhances the song’s narrative through visual storytelling that is both engaging and heartfelt. Featuring actors Josh Pryor and Samantha Valadez, the video portrays McKenzie’s reminiscences and the pivotal moments with his wife Rossy, adding layers of depth to the listening experience.

The video’s climax, featuring a cameo by the real-life Rossy alongside McKenzie, serves not just as a heartwarming finale but also as an authentic stamp on their love story. This blend of real-life and performance crafts a complete artistic package that enhances the single’s impact.

“The Day that I Found You” is more than just a musical release from Zach McKenzie; it is a statement of artistic maturity and emotional integrity. It captures the essence of what popular music can be—a universal message packaged in a unique personal experience. With this single, McKenzie does not just share a story; he invites the listener into the narrative, urging them to find parallels in their own lives. As McKenzie continues to evolve and venture into new creative territories, his journey remains a compelling watch for any music enthusiast.


Published by: Khy Talara

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