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New Yorkers Embrace Sustainable Living with RENEW by Trinity

New Yorkers Embrace Sustainable Living with RENEW by Trinity
Photo Courtesy: RENEW By Trinity

By: Claire Jennings

Sustainability is no longer just a concept in New York City—it’s becoming a way of life. In a place known for its fast pace and innovation, New Yorkers are increasingly adopting eco-friendly practices, from composting food waste to supporting brands that prioritize the environment. One company making waves in the sustainable design space is RENEW by Trinity, a brand that is redefining waste by turning discarded chopsticks into stunning, functional furniture and kitchenware.

In a city where trends change as quickly as the skyline, the rise of upcycled products is proving that sustainability is not just a passing phase, but a necessity. RENEW by Trinity embodies this new direction, showing New Yorkers how discarded items can be transformed into beautiful, practical pieces that enhance everyday living.

The core of RENEW by Trinity’s mission is to upcycle single-use bamboo chopsticks. These utensils, typically used once and then thrown away, contribute to an enormous amount of global waste. Recognizing this as an opportunity for positive change, RENEW collects used chopsticks from restaurants across North America, repurposing them into durable and elegant home goods. It’s a process that aligns perfectly with the eco-conscious mindset of many New Yorkers.

“Sustainability doesn’t mean sacrificing style or quality,” says Cze-Chao Tam, CEO of RENEW by Trinity. “Our goal is to take what would otherwise be waste and turn it into products that people are proud to use in their homes. New Yorkers understand the importance of sustainability, and they appreciate designs that not only look good but also do good for the planet.”

The process starts with collecting the chopsticks, which are then taken to the RENEW facility in North Texas. There, they are meticulously cleaned, sanitized, and pressed into panels. These panels serve as the foundation for a variety of home goods, from sleek coffee tables to functional kitchenware. The entire process minimizes waste and energy use, creating a line of products that truly embody the principles of upcycling.

One of the standout pieces in RENEW by Trinity’s collection is the Gather + Graze Serving Board, a minimalist kitchen essential crafted from 265 reclaimed chopsticks. This piece exemplifies how upcycling can result in not just a functional product but one that carries a story of sustainability. For New Yorkers who often entertain guests in their apartments, this board is both a conversation starter and a testament to the power of eco-friendly living.

The brand’s Chit Chat Coffee Table is another example of how upcycled design can elevate a space. Constructed from hundreds of chopsticks, it offers a sleek, modern aesthetic perfect for the compact, stylish apartments common in New York City. Each product comes with an engraving indicating the number of chopsticks used in its creation, making the impact of upcycling tangible for consumers.

By turning discarded materials into desirable products, RENEW by Trinity is showing New Yorkers that sustainability can be seamlessly integrated into daily life. It’s about making choices that reflect a commitment to the environment while enjoying beautifully designed pieces that fit effortlessly into a contemporary home.

In a city where space is at a premium, New Yorkers are known for their discerning tastes and preference for functional yet stylish items. RENEW by Trinity aligns perfectly with this ethos, offering products that are not only practical but also environmentally responsible. For city dwellers who often live in smaller spaces, the idea of incorporating furniture and kitchenware that serves a dual purpose—both as functional items and as symbols of sustainability—is particularly appealing.

“There’s a growing awareness among consumers in urban areas about the impact of their lifestyle choices,” says Tam. “New Yorkers, in particular, are leading the way in seeking out brands that reflect their values. With RENEW, we’re giving them the chance to bring sustainability into their homes in a very real, tangible way.”

New Yorkers Embrace Sustainable Living with RENEW by Trinity
Photo Courtesy: RENEW By Trinity

Beyond simply creating products, RENEW by Trinity aims to change the narrative around waste. The company’s innovative approach to upcycling encourages consumers to rethink the items they use and discard. By turning chopsticks into functional décor, RENEW challenges the idea that waste is inevitable. Instead, it positions waste as a resource that, with creativity and commitment, can be transformed into something valuable.

This mindset resonates strongly with New Yorkers, many of whom are already engaged in efforts to reduce waste, recycle, and support eco-friendly businesses. By choosing products from brands like RENEW by Trinity, they are reinforcing a lifestyle that prioritizes sustainability and mindful consumption.

“We’re not just selling products; we’re promoting a new way of thinking about the items we use every day,” Tam explains. “Our hope is that by offering these upcycled goods, we can inspire more people to make choices that positively impact the planet.”

For New Yorkers who are passionate about living sustainably, RENEW by Trinity offers a refreshing approach to home décor. Its products blend functionality with eco-conscious design, providing consumers with high-quality items that are as stylish as they are sustainable. As the movement toward upcycling and renewable living continues to grow, RENEW stands out as a leader in crafting goods that make sustainability accessible, desirable, and practical for city life.

In a city that’s always moving forward, RENEW by Trinity is setting a new standard for how we can embrace change and make environmentally responsible choices without compromising on style. By transforming waste into works of art, the brand is leading New Yorkers into a future where sustainability is woven into the very fabric of everyday living.

For more information on RENEW by Trinity and to explore their collection of upcycled home goods, visit


Published By: Aize Perez

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