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Common Mistakes New Authors Make When Publishing Their First Book and How Normans Publishing Helps You Avoid Them

Common Mistakes New Authors Make When Publishing Their First Book and How Normans Publishing Helps You Avoid Them
Photo Courtesy: Jerry Smith


Publishing your first book is an exciting but challenging experience. Many new authors dive into the process headfirst, only to find themselves overwhelmed by the complexities involved. From writing and editing to marketing and distribution, the journey from manuscript to published book is full of potential pitfalls. In this article, we will explore the common mistakes new authors make when publishing their first book and show how Normans Publishing can guide you through every step, helping you avoid these missteps and potentially achieve success.

 1. Skipping Professional Editing


One of the common mistakes new authors make is skipping professional editing. While self-editing is crucial, a fresh pair of expert eyes can make all the difference. Many first-time authors assume their work is flawless after a few read-throughs, but this often leads to poor grammar, inconsistencies, and plot holes.

How Normans Publishing Helps: 

Normans Publishing offers professional editing services covering everything from developmental editing to copyediting and proofreading. Our experienced editors work closely with authors to refine their manuscripts, ensuring a polished final product that resonates with readers.

2. Choosing the Wrong Book Cover Design


Another mistake is underestimating the importance of book cover design. Your book’s cover is the first thing potential readers see, and a poorly designed cover can turn them away before they even open the book. Many new authors opt for DIY covers, which often look unprofessional.

How Normans Publishing Helps: 

We understand the importance of a captivating book cover. Our team of expert designers collaborates with authors to create eye-catching covers that reflect the tone and genre of the book, ultimately drawing readers in. With Normans Publishing, your cover will stand out on the shelves and online.

 3. Neglecting Book Formatting


Formatting a book properly is crucial for readability, but many new authors either neglect this step or don’t fully understand the technical aspects involved. Improper formatting can make the reading experience difficult, leading to bad reviews and lost sales.

How Normans Publishing Helps: 

Normans Publishing ensures that your book is formatted perfectly, whether for print or digital platforms. We handle all the intricacies of layout, spacing, font choices, and more, making your book look professional and easy to read.

4. Rushing the Publishing Process


In their eagerness to see their book in print, many new authors rush through the publishing process. This often leads to mistakes like poor editing, inadequate marketing plans, or premature launches that fall flat.

How Normans Publishing Helps: 

At Normans Publishing, we encourage authors to take their time and focus on quality over speed. Our publishing team works with you to create a timeline that ensures every aspect of your book, from editing to cover design to marketing, is handled meticulously for the ideal  outcome. 

5. Failing to Develop a Marketing Plan


Many new authors mistakenly believe that writing, and publishing the book is the hard part and that readers will automatically find their work. In reality, without a solid marketing plan, even great books can go unnoticed.

How Normans Publishing Helps: 

We offer comprehensive book marketing services that include social media promotion, book launch strategies, email campaigns, and collaborations with book influencers. Our team helps you build a targeted marketing plan to increase your book’s visibility and boost sales.

6. Ignoring Book Reviews


Book reviews are critical for establishing credibility and attracting new readers, but many new authors overlook their importance. Without reviews, potential readers may hesitate to purchase your book.

How Normans Publishing Helps: 

Normans Publishing helps authors secure book reviews by reaching out to reviewers, bloggers, and media outlets. We also assist with strategies to encourage readers to leave reviews, which can significantly enhance your book’s reputation and drive sales.

7. Pricing the Book Incorrectly


Pricing a book too high or too low can hurt sales. New authors often struggle to find the right price point that reflects the value of their book while being competitive in the market.

How Normans Publishing Helps: 

Our publishing experts help authors determine the ideal pricing strategy based on factors like book-length, genre, target audience, and market trends. We ensure your book is priced to maximize sales while offering great value to readers.

8. Overlooking Distribution Channels


Many first-time authors limit their distribution to just one or two platforms, missing opportunities to reach a wider audience. Overlooking distribution options like independent bookstores, online retailers, and libraries can significantly limit your book’s potential reach.

How Normans Publishing Helps: 

We offer wide-ranging book distribution services, ensuring your book is available across multiple platforms, both online and in brick-and-mortar stores. Our partnerships with leading distributors help get your book into the hands of as many readers as possible.

9. Neglecting the Importance of a Strong Author Brand


In today’s competitive publishing landscape, having a strong author brand is essential. New authors often neglect to build their brand, which can make it difficult to stand out and attract loyal readers.

How Normans Publishing Helps: 

Normans Publishing works with authors to develop and strengthen their brand. From creating an engaging author website to building a social media presence, we help authors establish a brand that connects with readers and enhances their long-term success.

10. Giving Up Too Early


Publishing a book can be a long and challenging process, and many new authors become discouraged if they do not see immediate success. They might give up too soon, not realizing that building an audience takes time and consistent effort.

How Normans Publishing Helps: 

At Normans Publishing, we are committed to your long-term success. We provide ongoing support and resources to help you continue promoting your book and building your readership, even after the initial launch. We believe in your potential and work with you every step of the way to ensure that giving up is never an option.

Why Normans Publishing is the Ideal Partner for Your First Book

Normans Publishing understands the challenges that new authors face, and we are here to help you navigate the publishing process with confidence. From professional editing and eye-catching cover design to strategic marketing and wide-reaching distribution, we offer all the services you need to avoid common mistakes and achieve success. Our team is dedicated to empowering authors and turning their publishing dreams into reality.

By collaborating with Normans Publishing, you will avoid the pitfalls that trip up many new authors and benefit from our expertise, guidance, and passion for books. Whether you are self-publishing or seeking a more traditional route, we help you make informed decisions at every stage, ensuring that your first book is a success.


Publishing your first book does not have to be a daunting experience filled with mistakes. With the right guidance, you can avoid common pitfalls and position yourself for success. Contact Normans Publishing is here to provide that guidance, offering the tools and support you need to turn your manuscript into a successful, professionally published book. Let us help you avoid the mistakes many new authors make and set you on the path to a rewarding writing career.

Published by: Nelly Chavez


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