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MODEx Studio: Transforming Creativity and Innovation in Atlanta’s Heart

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In the midst of Atlanta’s thriving Buckhead district, MODEx Studio shines as a beacon of innovation and creativity. What began as an immersive fitness gym has metamorphosed into a groundbreaking black and female-led production and live events space, a transition orchestrated by the indefatigable Tasha White.

The narrative of MODEx Studio started in Chicago in 2017, with its antecedent as an indoor cycling studio. Relocating to Atlanta in 2021, Tasha steered the brand into an avant-garde direction, with the COVID-19 pandemic acting as a catalyst for change, birthing the MODEx Studio we know today.

“The essence of MODEx Studio is adaptation and reinvention,” shared Tasha White. “Facing global disruptions, we didn’t just adapt; we metamorphosed, embodying resilience and creativity.”

MODEx is far from just another studio. Central to its allure is a colossal 60’x13’ curved video wall, celebrated as one of the world’s pioneering laser projection and virtual production platforms. This fusion of 4K laser projectors and video projection mapping births a mesmerizing visual tableau.

Outfitted with cutting-edge equipment, MODEx Studio revolutionizes production and event hosting. HTC sensors, amplified by Unreal Engine, impart a tangible depth to virtual realms. Simultaneously, 4K PTZ cameras, paired with advanced broadcasting, ensure events are captured and broadcast with pristine clarity.

Beyond its tech arsenal, MODEx Studio’s layout showcases versatility. A distinct 30’x10’ viewing room doubles as both a production teamwork space and an auxiliary event venue, exemplifying the studio’s adaptive nature, from hosting film premieres to curating masterclasses.

“Our pledge to technological ingenuity positions us at the forefront of Atlanta’s entertainment milieu. We’re eager to extend our studio’s prowess to creators globally, envisioning further expansions,” articulated Tasha White.

MODEx Studio’s essence extends beyond its tech; it’s a crucible of inspiration and evolution. The studio, besides hosting myriad events, will pioneer signature series, including a quarterly film festival spotlighting indie creatives and TEDxBuckheadAve, catalyzing intellectual exchanges.

“MODEx Studio isn’t just a space, but a canvas for imagination, a nexus for collaborations, and a theatre where visions come alive,” Tasha remarked. “From filmmakers to artists, and visionaries seeking to captivate audiences, MODEx Studio beckons.”

MODEx Studio’s transformative journey has garnered attention from industry stalwarts. A roster of brands aligning with MODEx Studio can be explored at

Online, MODEx Studio pulsates with energy. Engage and explore their odyssey on Facebook (@modexstudio) and Instagram (@modexstudio).

At its core, MODEx Studio signifies a harmonization of technology and unbridled creativity. As it welcomes a diverse clientele, it stands as an emblem for dreamers and innovators, reaffirming the potential lying within challenges.

Nestled in Atlanta’s emblematic Buckhead enclave, MODEx Studio has honed the craft of curating multifaceted events, bridging the ethereal divide between vision and realization, fostering bonds that spur industry evolution and catalyze change.

For a deeper dive into MODEx Studio’s transformative journey, visit

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