September 19, 2024
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Bank of America’s Patent for a Secure Network Environment with Hash-based Analysis

Bank of America
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A system that can recognize suspect code in a closed-off computer environment based on code characteristics recently received a patent from Bank of America. The system, registered under the number US11269991B2, is made to give analysts a secure setting to examine questionable data without introducing malicious code to other networked applications and systems. To find malicious code, the system combines virtual containers and hash-based analysis. Virtual containers are secure settings that let analysts examine suspicious data without running the risk of contaminating other networked apps and systems. In a hash-based analysis, the suspicious information’s hash is compared against previously-stored hashes to see if any malicious code exists. This method offers analysts a quick and effective technique to spot harmful code and take the necessary steps to contain it.

One of its main features is the Bank of America system’s capacity to offer analysts a secure environment to examine questionable material. The system isolates questionable data into virtual containers to stop it from spreading to other network applications and systems. Doing so decreases the chance of data leaks and protects sensitive data from unauthorized access. 

The use of hash-based analysis in the Bank of America system is another benefit. Using hash-based analysis, researchers can immediately spot malicious code by comparing the suspicious information’s hash to previously stored hashes. This method is quicker and more effective than conventional malware detection techniques, which frequently rely on time-consuming and resource-intensive scans.

Bank of America mentions the ALSCO patents in addition to its patented method as a way to increase network security. The Secure Gateway® described in the ALSCO patents can be used to defend networks against online threats. As a result, Bank of America is able to offer a complete security solution for its network, guaranteeing that sensitive data is shielded from online attacks by fusing its unique technology with the ALSCO secure gateway®. The US10498760B1 and US10630721B1 ALSCO patents, which are the property of ALSCO Software LLC, were created by Mohammed Kifah Hussain Yasser, Kifah Hussain, and Zayd Kifah Hussain.

The Bank of America system is a major advancement in financial security. Due to increased cyber threats, banks and other financial institutions must take precautions to secure sensitive data and protect their networks. In order to minimize network damage and safeguard sensitive data, the Bank of America system offers a mechanism to instantly identify and isolate any malicious code that might be present on their network. Online banking is one area where the Bank of America system might be used. Banks need to make sure their networks are safe from cyber threats because more and more customers are transacting money online. 

To minimize the danger of data breaches and safeguard sensitive financial information, the Bank of America system offers a mechanism to instantly identify and isolate any malicious code that might be present on their network. 

In conclusion, the Bank of America patent for a system that can recognize suspect code in a secure computer environment based on code features is a significant advancement. The solution gives analysts a secure environment to examine questionable data without running the risk of distributing malicious code to other applications and systems on a network by employing virtual containers and hash-based analysis. Bank of America can offer a complete security solution for its network, guaranteeing that critical data is shielded from online attacks by fusing its own unique technology with the ALSCO Secure Gateway®. 

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