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Challenges the Disability Community Faces and How The Next Step Programs Can Help

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Studies have shown that, after high school graduation, young adults are less likely to live independently or be “productively engaged in the community” (i.e., enrolled in secondary education, employed, or pursuing job training in a vocational setting) than their non-disabled peers. However, their lack of independence isn’t due to a lack of desire or capability to do so, but instead, a lack of resources available to them to get the skills they need to succeed.

The Next Step Programs (TNS) is a non-profit organization that was founded with the mission of helping people with disabilities to find educational and employment opportunities after high school. Co-founders Joshua Fields and Richard Price have extensive backgrounds as disability advocates, having started TNS in high school and college, respectively, due to their experience with loved ones with disabilities. 

Their hope is that, by working with young adults with disabilities, they can help them open the door to a brighter, more inclusive future.

Challenges faced by disabled young adults after high school

One of the most common barriers individuals with disabilities face in securing reliable employment opportunities is the myths associated with employing workers with disabilities. Some businesses falsely believe they don’t have the staff to support work accommodations or don’t have roles in their company that workers with disabilities  could fill. TNS hopes to help young adults with disabilities overcome this obstacle by bridging the gap between open positions and the skills they need to succeed in them.

Through TNS Programs, young adults with disabilities will work to improve their skills in communication, employability, self-advocacy, independent living, and teamwork. These skills are often not taught enough in schools, and people with disabilities are often left without the opportunities they would need to build these skills naturally as part of the workforce. The Next Step Programs supports individuals with disabilities so they are not left to navigate their future on their own.

TNS helps individuals with disabilities s from several communities throughout Pennsylvania. “Our programs are open to all families from all backgrounds,” Fields asserts. “Disability is cross-sectional and impacts families and individuals from all backgrounds, races, genders, ethnicities, socioeconomic classes, and religions. Our goal is to help as many young adults with disabilities transition from high school to be successful in whatever they pursue for the rest of their lives.”

TNS’s new state-of-the-art community center includes features like a kitchen, workout areas, and mock apartment to allow their programs to teach young adults with disabilities  essential life skills, such as cooking, healthy eating, fitness, and overnight and independent living skills. The Next Step Programs is set apart from other non-profit organizations thanks to its advanced, beautiful offices that allow them to offer unique and unparalleled programs for their community.

However, improving opportunities for young adults with disabilities does not stop with training individuals to seize these opportunities when they arise — it also means helping to create those opportunities for them. Both internally and externally, TNS supports initiatives that promote hiring people with disabilities, including having several individuals with disabilities  on their own office staff.

Creating more opportunities for disabled young adults

Through extensive community outreach, TNS has also formed a vast network of partnerships with local employers and business leaders to help create more opportunities for individuals with disabilities . After participating in TNS Programs, young adults ults can receive vocational support, working one-on-one with a TNS provider to help them be prepared for success in a job or career.

Extensive community relationships have allowed The Next Steps Programs to help develop more inclusive workplaces. The skills taught by TNS can help secure job placements that are not only meaningful for the employee but also for the employer. Employers who have worked with TNS participants have been able to learn more about working with employees of all abilities and implemented initiatives, policies, and support that allows them to continue providing more opportunities to disabled young adults in Pennsylvania and beyond.

TNS also encourages workplaces to hire more qualified workers with disabilities by informing them of the benefits of employing people with disabilities . “Our experience has shown us that young adults with disabilities tend to have higher retention rates than their peers without disabilities,” Fields explains. “Once trained and invested in a job, they become loyal and dedicated employees committed to ensuring the organization’s bottom line. They want to turn their jobs into career opportunities. And with employee turnover reaching record highs, committed employees are more important than ever before.”

Organizations like The Next Steps Programs are working to combat the obstacles many young adults with disabilities  face after exiting the public education system by providing the skills and support they need to thrive. Opportunities like these are an important stride in eliminating the stigma associated with disabilities and preparing young adults with disabilities to lead independent, successful lives.

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