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Paediatric Eye Health and the Importance of Early Screenings

Paediatric Eye Health and the Importance of Early Screenings

There’s hardly a child in the world that’s born without some form of ailment. Some contract Jaundice at birth, others inherit congenital anomalies, while suffer from poor eyesight. But with the right treatment, most children fully recover and face no complications in later life. In this article, we will look into the most common types of eye conditions and the importance of early screenings among newborns.

Sticky Eyes

Commonly referred to as Epiphora, this causes your newborn to have persistent watery eyes. It is brought on by blocked tear ducts, certain forms of infections, and allergies. Depending on the severity of the condition, the doctor might recommend ointments, medications or even surgery to open the tear duct.

Most of the time, however, the condition goes away on its own once the child reaches 6 months. Another reason for watery eyes could be Conjunctivitis. This condition gives a distinctive pink appearance to the eye and is usually caused by a virus or bacteria. Newborns could be at risk if the condition goes untreated for long. An eye specialist at Dubai uae hospital would prescribe an antibiotic to address and cure the condition.

Refractive Errors

Refractive errors can be classified into three broad types: Astigmatism, Myopia, and Hyperopia. Any of these three conditions hamper light from traveling to the correct part of the retina, causing vision problems.

Astigmatism is the condition resulting in a blurry, hazy vision at all distances. It occurs when the cornea, the front, transparent part of the eye is not spherical in shape but oval, like a football as opposed to a soccer ball.

A child with Myopia will have difficulty recognizing objects that are at a distance. This condition is interchangeable with the term nearsightedness. The condition is often hereditary and begins manifesting by the age of 4–6 years of age, and peaks at adulthood, usually around the 20-year mark.

Hyperopia is the opposite of Myopia, which makes focusing on close objects difficult, while things farther away appear normal. It is caused if the eyeball is shorter than normal or the cornea is less curved than it should be.


The good news is all three refractive conditions require minimally invasive corrective procedures. Leading ophthalmologists from some of the premier hospital in Dubai will usually recommend glasses, contacts or a minor surgical procedure.


Commonly referred to as ‘lazy eye’, it occurs when there’s a marked difference in the normal visual acuity of one eye than the other. It results from a number of circumstances that impair normal brain function related to vision. This causes one eye to deteriorate and may result in long-term visual issues.


Amblyopia usually responds favorably to therapy if it is identified early. Treatment options for amblyopia may include eye medications, glasses, patches, and even surgery.


A congenital disorder, Nystagmus is defined by rapid, uncontrollable back and forth movements of the eye. While acquired nystagmus manifests after six months of life, congenital nystagmus manifests in the first few months of life. Its symptoms become glaringly obvious when the eyes make jerky movements from side to side, up and down, or in a circle.


There is no permanent cure for the disease, however, certain medications can reduce symptoms in adults. Also, massage therapy is proven to be beneficial to alleviate some of the symptoms and discomfort.


Also known as double vision, Diplopia is caused when there’s a misalignment of the eyes, resulting in the person seeing one object in two different places at the same time. It can be caused by weakness in the body’s voluntary muscles, multiple sclerosis or thyroid issues.


Botox injections, strabismus surgery (alignment of eyes, and prism glasses are some of the treatments available for double vision. 

Final Thoughts

If you notice any anomaly in your child, don’t waste time in reaching out to a reputable Dubai hospital, UAE. Schedule a consultation with the ophthalmologist and dive into the details of your child’s condition because kids sometimes cannot elucidate how they’re feeling. Remember, early diagnosis is key to successfully curing or managing an eye condition. If the condition is severe, the hospital’s intensive care unit (ICU) is equipped to provide the necessary specialized care to ensure the best possible outcome for your child.

Medical Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, nor does it replace professional medical expertise or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.

Published by: Nelly Chavez


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