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Get Ready for Summer with Garage Cleaning Tips

Get Ready for Summer with Garage Cleaning Tips
Photo Courtesy: Garage Living

By: Joshua Finley

May is Garage Improvement Month, presenting a perfect opportunity for homeowners to spring clean their garages in preparation for the summer months. As the weather warms, the garage often transitions from a mere storage space for winter gear to a bustling hub for summer activities. This transformation necessitates an organized approach to ensure this versatile space meets the season’s needs.

Many studies have shown that clutter creates stress and anxiety,” said Aaron Cash of Garage Living. “With the garage being America’s front door, what’s in the garage, how well it’s kept, and how well it’s organized sets the stage for the day, whether you’re leaving home in the morning or coming home at night. Taking care of the whole space and making it clean, organized, and bright can improve people’s lives.”

Spring cleaning your garage can be fulfilling because it helps declutter and reclaim space more efficiently utilized during the summer. 

Empty Your Garage

The first step in this process is to empty the garage. This approach allows homeowners to see and assess the entire space without obstructions. It’s also an excellent time to sweep out the dirt, dust, and debris accumulated over the colder months.

Sort The Contents

Once the garage is emptied, sorting the contents is the next essential step. Creating separate piles for items to keep, donate, sell, or throw away can make the process more manageable. Items not used in over a year are often prime candidates for donation or sale. Tools and equipment specific to winter, such as snow blowers and holiday decorations, should be securely stored in clearly labeled containers. This frees up space and helps maintain the condition of these items.

Invest In Storage Solutions

Investing in garage storage solutions is key to maintaining a clean and organized garage. Shelving units, overhead racks, pegboards, and cabinet systems can all be employed to maximize vertical space and keep the floor clear. For example, bicycles can be hung from the ceiling or on a wall mount, and garden tools can be organized on a pegboard. Transparent bins are particularly useful for storing smaller items, such as sports equipment and seasonal decorations, as they allow easy access and visibility.

“Everything you plan on keeping can be neatly organized,” Cash said. “Then, you can put it behind closed doors so you don’t have to see it all the time. You don’t have to sacrifice functionality to benefit from a clean and well-organized garage.”

Garage Cleaning Tips
Photo Courtesy: Garage Living

Label Containers And Shelves

Labeling is an indispensable part of organizing. Marked containers and shelves help everyone in the household know where items belong, reducing the likelihood of clutter accumulating again. It’s helpful to group items by use or seasonality so everything has a logical place.

Safety First

Safety in the garage is also paramount. Ensure that all chemicals, such as pesticides, paints, and solvents, are stored in a locked cabinet away from children and pets. Tools must be securely stored to prevent accidents, and a working fire extinguisher should be accessible for emergencies. Additionally, it’s crucial to check that the garage space complies with local fire safety codes, especially for storing flammable materials.


Lighting plays a crucial role in a garage’s functionality. Upgrading to bright, energy-efficient lighting can transform a dimly lit garage into a vibrant workspace, making it easier to find items and work on projects anytime. Good lighting is especially important if the garage doubles as a workshop or a hobby area.


Maintaining this state is the next challenge, with the garage now clean and organized. Routine cleaning and a commitment to returning items to their designated spots after use can help sustain the cleanliness and organization throughout the summer and beyond. It might also be beneficial to consider a seasonal reevaluation of the space. As seasons change, so do the household’s needs, and the garage should evolve to reflect this.

More Than Aesthetics

The benefits of a clean and well-organized garage extend beyond just aesthetics. It can improve the space’s functionality, protect valuable items from damage, and potentially free up space for new uses. A well-cared-for garage might serve as a workshop, a fitness area, or even a place for social gatherings.

As summer approaches, thoroughly cleaning and organizing the garage during Garage Improvement Month can make it a more enjoyable and functional space. Whether it’s ensuring that gardening supplies are ready for a season of landscaping or that sports equipment is accessible for impromptu games, a well-organized garage supports summer activities and enhances overall home enjoyment. This project prepares the garage for immediate use and sets a standard for household organization that can inspire other areas of the home.

You can find just a local garage improvement and cleaning company online. For example, Garage Living has three locations in the New York area. According to, it’s ranked the No. 1 home improvement franchise in the U.S. and offers free consultations.

Published by: Nelly Chavez

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