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Illia Pashkov: from Idea to founder of the Metaverse

Illia Pashkov: from Idea to founder of the Metaverse
Photo Credited To: Illia Pashkov

In a world filled with numerous entrepreneurs, achieving success demands an unwavering passion and steadfast determination, capable of breathing life into even the most ambitious aspirations. Taras Lavrovskyi and Diana Hetun, both hailing from Ukraine, embody this principle through their pioneering endeavor. Their remarkable journey is documented in the book “100 USA Entrepreneurs with Ukrainian Origins,” where they are acknowledged among the Top 100 Entrepreneurs of Ukrainian Origin in the USA. This journey serves as a testament to their relentless commitment and deep-seated desire to bring about meaningful change, with the VOVK foundation proudly acting as the primary sponsor of their mission.

In the world of modern business, there are a number of successful entrepreneurs whose stories and achievements can become a source of inspiration for many. However, among the many names that often sound in the context of entrepreneurship, there are those who are not so widely known, despite their significant contribution and unique entrepreneurial endeavors.

Illia Pashkov is a successful entrepreneur with extensive experience in various business fields. With more than twenty years of experience in the fields of design, innovation, sustainability and strategy, Ilia acts as a producer and recognized art/creative director, passionately pursuing the goal of creating value, purpose and utility in the evolving space of Web 3.0 and the Metaverse. His career path turns into a unique path on which he seeks to expand horizons and create fascinating experiences covering several levels of perception.

Illia Pashkov: from Idea to founder of the Metaverse
Photo Credit: Illia Pashkov


Illia Pashkov completed his studies at Odessa State Polytechnic University with a workshop of art in the field of Industrial Design, Product Design and computer science. His academic career, stretching from 2002 to 2008, reflected his diligence and commitment to achieving excellence in several fields of knowledge.

At the university, he not only mastered fundamental knowledge in the field of computer science, but also deeply immersed himself in the art of Industrial design and product development. His interest in graphic design and web design became apparent during this period. Using his skills, he actively studied and practiced 3D modeling, which expanded his range of creative possibilities.

In addition, Illia demonstrated his dedication and managerial abilities by studying management in the context of his education. All his academic experience greatly influenced his future career and provided the basis for him to work successfully in areas related to design, innovation and project management.

Professional path 

Illia Pashkov’s work experience impresses with its diversity and depth of knowledge in various fields. Let’s take a look at his professional path in more detail:

It is interesting to note that Ilya started his career in the field of media and creativity by founding Braindings Media in January 2010. For four whole years, he held the position of Executive Producer and founder of the company, demonstrating his innate talent in creating content and managing creative processes.

In November 2014, he switched his efforts to the technology field, joining Devvela as Art Director. For almost two years of his work, he has become a kind of “wizard of technology startups”, bringing his unique creativity and technical magic to them.

However, without leaving his roots in the creative industry, Ilya held the position of Executive Creative Director and Co-founder at Worth Agency from September 2013 to November 2016. His role was not only to lead creative processes, but also to sell ideas, communicate with clients and develop creative campaigns. During this period, he became an experienced inspirer for his team and proved his ability to create works that stand out.

Illia also has experience working in a corporate environment. From March 2016 to April 2017, he held the position of Senior Product Designer at BMW Group, where his talent and knowledge in the field of design made a valuable contribution to the development of the company’s products.

The next stage was Ilia’s participation in Givelify, where he played the role of Director of Product Innovation and Design. From March 2017 to May 2018, he led the development of innovative product solutions, demonstrating his ability to create practical and high-quality products.

Illia Pashkov continued his intense journey of professional development, expanding his experience and introducing innovations in various fields.

Illia Pashkov: from Idea to founder of the Metaverse
Photo Credit: Illia Pashkov

In the period from January 2017 to September 2020, Illia assumed the role of Chief Product Officer and co-founder of GhostDrive. For three years and nine months, he immersed himself in intensive product research and development, devoting himself to creating and implementing innovative concepts. Under his leadership, GhostDrive has gone an impressive way, soaring to new heights in the field of technology.

Illia’s competence and creative vision were also directed to the position of Creative Producer at Midwest Immersive. From April 2019 to February 2020, he actively participated in the creation of impressive visual and audio effects, enriching projects with his art of managing creative processes. During this time, he managed to make a significant contribution to the formation of unique visual worlds and enrich the user experience with unique visual impressions.

Player’s Health is a unique passage in the career of Illia Pashkov, who for a long time was the chief creative director and co-founder of this company. During his eight years of influence and leadership, he was able to create significant variables in the field of risks and insurance related to sports.

From March 2021 to February 2023, Ilya assumed the position of Chief Creative Officer and Co-founder. For two years, he has inspired and motivated creative teams, maintaining enthusiasm for projects. His role included not only guiding, but also mentoring designers, providing hands-on feedback and strong leadership. Collaboration with product managers, operational departments, engineering and marketing teams allowed us to implement well-planned functions that correspond to the overall product development plan and achieve the company’s goals. In addition, he initiated research and implementation of new methods and processes to improve the quality and effectiveness of design.

Before that, from January 2019 to March 2021, he held the position of Chief Product Officer and Co-founder, working closely with the company’s management to monitor the user experience of products from their conception to launch. He actively used research, data, and analytics to shape product design and strategy, and led and trained the product and design team through performance assessments and growth opportunities. It is important to note that his role was not only in management, but also in direct coordination, ensuring optimal team interaction and achieving high results.

From February 2015 to January 2019, Illia held the position of Chief Design Officer and Co-founder at Player’s Health, where his influence had a strong impact on the company’s brand and mission. His ability to effectively convey the brand and mission through product design was pronounced. He also actively developed the organizational structure of the design team, paying attention to the changing needs of the organization. His observation and careful attitude towards newcomers made it possible to successfully recruit and support new employees.

Player’s Health is not just a company, but a platform that promotes risk management and insurance in sports, using advanced technologies. Illia Pashkov was able to actively make his mark on this field by taking on leadership and creative roles in a company that strives for a safe and productive environment for athletes.

Illia Pashkov not only creates and inspires, but also manages companies for long periods of time, which speaks to his influence and perseverance in business.

Since December 2001, Illia has held the position of Chief Executive Officer at PSHKV. For more than twenty-one years, he has been leading and shaping the direction of the company, demonstrating his outstanding leadership skills and strategic thinking. His influence continues to expand over time, which demonstrates his ability to successfully manage long-term projects.

Since March 2021, keeping pace with innovation, he has held the position of Chief Design Officer and Co-founder of WEEDAR. For two years and six months, he continues to demonstrate his unique knowledge in the field of design, blockchain and technology. His role is not only to create product designs, but also to apply advanced technologies such as blockchain, NFT and AR/XR to develop the cannabis community and industry.

Since December 2020, Illia has assumed the role of Chief Metaverse Officer and founder of ALTAR METAVERSE. For two years and nine months, he has been actively contributing to the development of Web 3.0 through the creation of exciting adventures and entertainment in the metaverse. It is important to note his social responsibility and concern for the sustainable development of the planet, which makes him an inspiring example of a leader acting on a global level.

In a continuous stream of time, Illia Pashkov continues not only to lead in his field, but also to make changes in business and technology, striving to create a better future for our society.

Altar Metaverse

Altar is a unique ecosystem where the physical and digital worlds are harmoniously intertwined, creating great experiences and opportunities for users.

As part of its work, Altar creates a truly innovative and unique cross-metaverse ecosystem, supported by a Center and a Trading platform, where NFT+XR occupy an important place. This approach helps to improve the processes of creation, enjoyment, exchange and ensures the reliability and security of digital and physical assets. The Altar team is proud of its ability to create NFT, enriching the user experience with interactive XR experiences and providing completely unique cross-chain opportunities for living in the Web 3.0 space.

Innovative solutions

Illia and his team are aware that the NFT market is facing a number of difficult challenges and problems. Ranging from fraud and risky projects to the difficulties faced by beginners. Numerous applications complicate the interaction process, and the lack of practical benefits for NFT and metaverse projects limits their potential. Existing procedures and technologies also do not always provide the necessary degree of reliability and stability, and a bridge has not yet been created between NFT, augmented reality, and physical goods.

Given the complexities such as rising land prices in the metaverse, the impact of the COVID pandemic on travel and large-scale events, as well as the huge emissions associated with people’s daily activities, Altar sees its mission in providing solutions and opportunities for sustainable development.

The Altar team directs all its energy to developing innovative approaches and socially responsible initiatives in order to solve these problems and make the future of the digital and physical world more favorable and sustainable.

Among the innovative solutions stand out:

  • Providing a secure solution that includes the KYC verification and NFT audit process, which will be presented exclusively on our platform.
  • Ensuring the convenience of users when buying, selling and creating NFT using our platform.
  • Development of a universal platform with the possibility of bridges between the most common blockchain networks to ensure trouble-free interaction.
  • Transfer XR/NFT to the real world and environment, taking into account the location of users to create a truly immersive experience.
  • The unique NFT technology has full carbon neutrality, and, moreover, they actively cooperate and support environmental charities.


  • Wallet with NFT + XR location

This wallet is not just a tool for accessing the web3.0 economy; it also provides users with a unique opportunity to interact with NFT locations through XR technology. The developers’ efforts are aimed at raising the virtual experience of each user to a new level, opening the doors to an exciting world of digital opportunities for them.

  • Altar Card

With the Altar Card, users can make purchases using Apple Pay or Google Pay, as well as connect their card for instant payments via mobile phone. The absence of the need to wait for the delivery of a physical card makes payment more convenient, and the Altar Card provides instant access to all the benefits, bonuses and discounts that are provided using the NFT or the card.

  • NFT Avatars and Meta-People

Users of this platform can explore the fascinating world of interactive 3D avatars that represent them in the Metaverse. Even being offline, the opportunity to monetize your own unique experience in this digital world opens up new horizons for users.

  • 3D/AR NFT Generator

NFT Art Generator is an innovative software based on artificial intelligence, created for the mass production of NFT collections. Users can create stunning 3D collections instantly, even if they don’t have programming skills. This is the first 3D/AR NFT Generator on the market, and it promises to greatly simplify the creation of NFT content.

  • Metaverse Builder

Altar Builder is an intuitive drag–and-drop editor that allows users to create virtual worlds without the need for coding knowledge. An extensive library of element templates makes the process of creating virtual worlds easy and enjoyable, allowing each user to bring their creative ideas to life without restrictions.

  • Altar Real Estate

The Altar platform provides an opportunity to sell and buy real estate using embedded NFT and XR technologies. Legal and institutional complexities that previously could slow down real estate transactions are giving way to innovation. The tokenization of real estate on the blockchain makes it more accessible, and the virtualization of property creates unique derivative assets in the form of NFT, which are protected by law, confirmed on the blockchain and can be sold in the Metaverse, providing investors and owners with new opportunities.

  • Analytics and advertising management

The future of the marketing metaverse is 3D product placement with real-time campaign launches. By analyzing huge amounts of customer interaction data, the platform creates comprehensive segmentation analytics, optimizing product placement in the Metaverse and increasing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

  • Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

Altar offers a completely new approach to learning using XR projections. Users can create interactive educational experiences for their audience using XR technologies, making the learning process more interesting and effective. Every XR experience is securely stored using NFT technology on the blockchain, ensuring the accessibility and security of education.

Altar is not just a technological project, but also a unique window into a new reality. Altar aims to make metaverses accessible to everyone by providing tools and resources for creativity, learning, investing and entertainment. Their mission is to make the digital world more accessible, interactive and profitable for everyone.

With Altar, everyone can rise to a new level of virtual experience, create and sell unique assets, teach and learn in interactive environments and enjoy all the benefits of the metaverse. The Altar team works tirelessly so that everyone can master this digital world.

It should be noted that his hard work, dedication and innovative thinking allowed Ilya to achieve impressive results in various fields. 

Illia Pashkov continues to work and develop, and we can expect even greater achievements in the future. His work and efforts will continue to inspire others to strive for innovation and to search for new opportunities.

Thus, Illia remains a figure who will continue to contribute to various fields, and his story serves as an example of how determination of purpose and diligence can lead to success.

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