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Proactive Measures to Help Protect Your Home From Burglars

Proactive Measures to Help Protect Your Home From Burglars

Your home is your sanctuary, and keeping it safe from burglars should be a priority. While nothing can guarantee your home will never be targeted, there are plenty of steps you can take to make it less inviting to criminals. Here are eight practical ways to help protect your home from burglars and give you peace of mind.

Install Strong Locks

Let’s start with the basics, which is for you to install strong locks. If your doors and windows are not properly secured, burglars can slip right in. Make sure to install sturdy deadbolts on all exterior doors and use solid doors instead of hollow ones. You would be surprised how many break-ins happen simply because the locks are easy to pick, or the doors are flimsy. It is a simple fix that can make an enormous difference.

Use Outdoor Lighting

A well-lit home can scare off would-be intruders. Motion-sensor lights are a great option because they only turn on when someone is nearby, and this catches potential burglars off guard. Put them near doors, windows, and driveways so that no one can sneak around unnoticed.

Keep Your Yard Tidy

Overgrown bushes might seem like no big deal, but to a burglar, they are a perfect hiding spot. Keep your yard neat by trimming back trees and shrubs, especially around windows and doors. Also, make sure to put away ladders, tools, or anything else that could help someone break in. A tidy yard not only looks nice but also keeps criminals from hiding or finding an easy way inside.

Get a Home Security System

A home security system is one of the best ways to protect your property. With options ranging from basic alarms to high-tech systems with cameras and smartphone access, there is something for every budget. Just having a security sign or a visible camera outside your home can deter a burglar from even trying to break in.

Lock All Windows and Doors

It might seem obvious, but locking your windows and doors is one of the easiest things you can do. Still, people forget all the time. Before leaving or going to bed, double-check that everything is locked up tight. Even when you are home, keep doors locked, especially on lower floors, where it is easier for burglars to sneak in.

Do Not Advertise Vacations

Posting vacation plans on social media might sound fun, but it can also let burglars know when your home will be empty. Keep your travel plans private until after you are back. If you are going to be away for a while, ask a neighbor to pick up your mail and packages so that it does not look like you are gone.

Use Timers for Lights

If you are away for the evening or on vacation, using timers for your lights can give the impression that someone is home. Set them to turn lights on and off at different times. A home that looks occupied is far less appealing to burglars.

Get to Know Your Neighbors

A good relationship with your neighbors can be a huge help in keeping your home safe. When neighbors watch out for each other, it is easier to spot anything suspicious. If you know someone is looking out for your place while you are away, it is one less thing to worry about. What is more, the chances of needing legal assistance decrease because there are more eyes constantly on your home.

If you have not put these measures in place, now is the time to start. After all, you do not want to give criminals any reason to target you and cause major headaches.

Published by: Nelly Chavez

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