October 18, 2024
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SeriousPensPublishing Draws Higher Literacy Levels Worldwide

Education and literacy are known priorities in established systems worldwide. Yet, despite the attention given to these areas, downward spikes are recorded now and then – appearing more often under the present pandemic. These occasional declines are what drove the launch of SeriousPensPublishing.

Created by inspirational author and educator Paul C. Darden, SeriousPensPublishing is a forward-thinking venture designed to elevate global literacy levels. Hosting masterfully inclusive literature pieces, the publishing company operates on a noble mission to further education.

Although encouraged by the discouraging literacy levels, the rising modern bookshelf took shape when Paul was young. Raised in the Bronx by a single mother who juggled multiple jobs, Paul C. Darden first opened his eyes to the harsh realities of life. As the youngest of four boys, he knew he had to double his efforts to escape his circumstances – and that was precisely what he did.

“I developed my love for education after seeing many of my friends and my brother turn to street life,” he revealed. “I saw education save the lives of so many others,” and, Paul knew, his life would be next.

Seeking salvation from his reality, he spent most of his time in the library and heavily invested hours in his studies. However, while he had his nose buried in a book, he met his mentor, Ms. Donna Ridley, who inspired him to excel and pursue a career in education.

Having already understood the power of knowledge, becoming a teacher made sense to Paul. So, he worked toward it. He honed his speaking skills through the high school debate team and attended the University of Michigan Debate camp. The experience helped him improve his communication prowess and broadened his horizons, strengthening him through the racism and discrimination he received as a teenager. 

Instead of being discouraged by the harassment, Paul C. Darden chose to remain driven. He earned degrees from the Bronx Community College and Lehman College, which he invested into his work as a volunteer for the non-profit organization, New York City Outward Bound which he eventually worked for.

“Working with the youth has always been my passion,” he shared, “because it is a way for me to give back to the community and help make the world a better place.”

Although he began realizing his dream to help as a U.S. History teacher in the Bronx, Paul was itching to branch out. So, he launched SeriousPensPublishing. Under the company, the educator and entrepreneur made his publishing debut.

SeriousPensPublishing currently promotes the author’s enlightening and exciting collection, the Time Runner Series and teases the release of his The Oneirology Chronicles and Frozen Sands. Outside of Paul’s library, his venture also has upcoming services for parents, services, and fellow teachers.

In light of today’s persistent health crisis, SeriousPensPublishing provides educational instructors with a comprehensive teacher’s guide for every book it has published. This includes chapter summaries, objective and subjective queries with answer keys, test prep, AP prep, and social-emotional questions. 

Exploring the vital role that the family plays in a child’s learning, teachers may send these documents to parents through email and text. “Life can be time-consuming, and SeriousPensPublishing wants to ensure all children reach their full potential by having parents and schools working hand in hand.”

Learn more about SeriousPensPublishing and how it elevates global literacy. Connect with the passionate author behind it on the venture’s official website


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