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The Benefits of a Family Mausoleum Over Burial Plots

The Benefits of a Family Mausoleum Over Burial Plots

One of the most important things in life is family. Your family are the ones who raised you, who’ve got your back, and who you can turn to for support, guidance, and love. In short, your loved ones can be your best friends and greatest allies.

However, family comes with a drawback; loved ones will someday end their journey on Earth and pass on, and the loss of a family member can be among the most painful and overwhelming to deal with.

Burial Planning Adds Stress

Grieving the loss of a loved one is never easy, but something that can make it harder is figuring out where their resting place should be. Even if you’re only planning for a future loss, it can be an awkward and upsetting experience trying to decide with your family how to best honor those dear to you.

If deciding where someone should be laid to rest is a point of contention during family end-of-life discussions, you may want to consider purchasing a family mausoleum instead of opting for a burial plot.

What a Mausoleum Is and What Benefits They Have

Mausoleums are monuments that memorialize a family’s deceased instead of individual burial plots. While they’re typically associated with ancient and noble families, they can help make laying a loved one to rest easier on modern families.

While they come with a higher price point, they have several long-term advantages over traditional burial plots that make them worth the cost for families that can afford them;

1. Keeps The Family Close and Together

Burying departed loved ones comes with challenges. Some family members might want to bury the deceased at one of their houses, and others may want to bury them at a location that is emotionally significant to the departed or a graveyard close to some of their living relatives. This can cause strife or even lead to disjointed burial plans for the other family members.

However, with a mausoleum, everyone in the family will have a centralized location to lay their loved ones to rest and ensure certain familial connections, like those of parents and children, are honored and maintained in death.

2. Able to Withstand The Elements

Burial plot gravestones can wear down over time as the elements take their toll, leading to a deteriorated stone that can be upsetting to look at and feels like it’s dishonoring the memory of the deceased. However, since mausoleums are sturdy, closed structures, your loved ones will remain safe and protected from harsh weather.

Additionally, their enclosed nature makes paying respects to those you’ve lost during less-than-ideal weather easier and gives you more opportunities to visit throughout the year.

3. More Environmentally-Friendly

Burials disrupt the earth and can take up a lot of space, compromising biodiversity in the area. However, a mausoleum can house more deceased people in a smaller area. Plus, since there’s no burying involved, no soil is torn up, leading to a memorial option that’s more considerate of the natural environment.

Rest at Ease, Knowing Your Loved Ones Can Rest in Peace

A mausoleum can be an excellent investment for you and your family. While nothing can prevent the grief of losing someone, having a resting place sorted out means one less thing you have to stress over. Less time spent fussing over end-of-life plans means more time processing the emotional pain, remembering your loved one fondly, and healing together as a family sooner.

Published by: Martin De Juan

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