September 19, 2024
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Winds of Change: Kazakhstan’s National Parks Showcased at The Canvas 3.0 in New York City

The Canvas 3.0: Showcased at Kazakhstan’s National Parks
Photo Courtesy: QNP

New York, New York – Recently, The Canvas, a platform in New York City for international brands and entrepreneurs, collaborated with Qazaq National Parks to highlight the breathtaking beauty of Kazakhstan’s National Parks. This partnership led to an immersive exhibit at The Canvas 3.0 gallery, located in the Westfield World Trade Center at the Oculus.

The Canvas 3.0: Showcased at Kazakhstan’s National Parks
Photo Courtesy: QNP

The “Winds of Change” opening event at The Canvas 3.0 Gallery was both a celebration and an educational experience focused on the natural wonders of Kazakhstan’s National Parks and the efforts to protect them. The event attracted a dynamic mix of art lovers, nature enthusiasts, and conservation supporters. Curated by Dinara Guzhavina and Nargiz Magayeva, the exhibit artfully combined the beauty of nature with artistic expression, inspiring and deeply moving attendees with its tribute to conservation.

Devin Gilmartin, CEO of The Canvas, shared his enthusiasm for the partnership, saying, “Today’s corporate collaborations often involve large multinational companies targeting new audiences. This collaboration was particularly interesting because it’s not typical: a retailer working with a national park. It’s thrilling to see people engaging with nature through commercial efforts that support conservationists and the creatives who amplify their messages.”

Dinara Guzhavina, Creative Director of QNP, described her vision for the exhibit: “Our aim was to offer New Yorkers a respite from urban life through the calming visuals and sounds of Kazakhstan’s nature. It’s significant for us to present the beauty of our National Parks in New York City and show how creative projects can reconnect visitors with nature.”

The Canvas 3.0: Showcased at Kazakhstan’s National Parks
Dinara Guzhavina (left) and Nargiz Magayeva (right) / Photo Courtesy: Neesmith Onzeur

As guests entered, they were welcomed by striking land art and installations depicting the diverse landscapes of Kazakhstan’s National Parks. The gallery buzzed with excitement as visitors explored limited-edition merchandise and a beautifully designed coffee-table book, each piece showcasing the parks’ natural beauty and the work of local artists.

A standout moment of the evening was the reveal of exclusive apparel dedicated to Kazakhstan’s endangered species. These unique items not only celebrated wildlife but also highlighted ongoing conservation efforts. The coffee-table book, available in English, Russian, and Kazakh, provided a comprehensive look into the parks and the communities that cherish them.

Visitors were transported through Kazakhstan’s stunning valleys, sands, canyons, steppes, lakes, glaciers, and forests via evocative artworks and installations. The metaphorical winds shaping these landscapes carried profound messages, teaching guests about the balance between inner peace and external harmony.

Qazaq National Parks (QNP) unites individuals committed to preserving nature and heritage for future generations. By developing visitor centers, building infrastructure, and engaging local communities, QNP aims to create a sustainable model for eco-friendly tourism in Kazakhstan. Their activities align with the UN’s global sustainability goals, particularly Goal 15 (Conservation of terrestrial ecosystems) and Goal 17 (Partnerships for sustainable development). Their approach balances social, economic, and environmental sustainability, promoting tourism in harmony with nature.

The Canvas 3.0: Showcased at Kazakhstan’s National Parks
Photo Courtesy: Neesmith Onzeur

The Canvas supports independent brands and artists worldwide, focusing on sustainability and ethical practices. Based in New York, The Canvas brings together independent designers, creators, and brands to offer unique fashion experiences that aim to rejuvenate the fashion industry and beyond.

The “Winds of Change” event was more than just an opening party; it was a testament to the power of art and nature to inspire change and foster a deeper connection with our environment. Attendees left with a renewed appreciation for the natural world and the efforts to preserve it.


Published By: Aize Perez

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