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The Green Living Guy on Elevating His Platform to Take His Environmental Philanthropy Further

A successful business should put a heavy emphasis on sustainability and its positive effects on our ever-changing environment. The green movement is a massive boon on Mother Nature, and many companies have adopted great measures towards this global initiative. We only have one world to live in, and it is our responsibility as stewards of nature to take care of our planet. Seth Leitman stands at the forefront of the green industry, eliciting a massive positive change to the world through business and philanthropy.

Through Seth Leitman’s deep passion for helping the environment and preserving the balance of nature, he has earned the moniker, The Green Living Guy, which he has also turned into his personal brand. With over twenty-five years in the field, the esteemed entrepreneur has made ripples of change in the business industry through his breadth of experience. 

Leitman has worked on many green efforts such as NYSERDA and NYPA. The Green Living Guy has also had a lot of experience in the private sector adding to his already astounding repertoire. With experience dating back in the ‘90s, The Green Living Guy penned a book through a collaboration with McGraw Hill, also getting the opportunity to edit nine books called The Green Guru Guides.

“I always loved the environment, but over time, doing what I love, it became evident that brands and my name had to be one,” shared the Green Living Guy. “A friend of mine too started his TV show and made a name for himself,” he added.

Seth Leitman is also an acclaimed member of the International Motor Press Association and the president of the local Electric Vehicle Association. Although he is most renowned for his work on electric cars, the Green Living Guy also runs a company that offers social media service under Green Living Guy Productions, a division of ETS Energy Store LLC. The company’s services include offering video, flogging, blogging, social media, and TV productions.

“Our social media services are bar none,” shared the Green Living Guy. “Our clients always explode off the charts after our work. We are here to save you money on energy, drive amazingly electrified cars, go solar on your home, and include energy storage. We also talk about energy efficiency and from lower to upper incomes.”

Taking a more strategic approach at achieving his advocacy, The Green Living Guy has involved as many people as possible in his endeavors in hopes of attracting more people who love listening to podcasts, electric vehicle enthusiasts, and people interested in green living, fighting against climate change, and the environment. He also encourages people who have an EV in Hudson Valley in New York to sign up and join his advocacy.

Motivated by its outstanding performance, the enterprise is already preparing to launch several services that will revolutionize and scale the company’s success even further. One of his notable clients, Green Power Motor Company, recently did an event with their electric school bus and four (4) NYS Senators led by Senator Peter Harckham. But most importantly, these additional features he adds aim to champion the venture’s goal. That’s to promote environmentally friendly alternatives.

As the founder profoundly explained, “We are here to save you money on energy, drive amazingly electrified cars, go solar on your home and include energy storage. We also talk about energy efficiency and from lower to upper incomes.”

Seth Leitman also aims to continue growing his advocacy. All by raising more awareness about the movement. In addition, he strategically intends to utilize Green Living Guy Productions’ platform to build a wider audience. 

With his podcast on iHeart, Amazon, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify and others. This exemplifies his messaging with his new partners Crossover Media Group. His podcasts called Seth Leitman, The Green Living Guy® are getting and reaching over 25,000 downloads.

In the near future, the Green Living Guy is positioned to launch several services. All that will revolutionize and expand his brand’s businesses. He hopes that they will be able to make their services more accessible to more people online. Through his efforts, the world is finally making positive strides. All towards going green on a global scale. The future’s looking bright and it’s looking greener than ever. Especially with Seth Leitman, the Green Living Guy.

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