July 2, 2024
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From Battling Lyme to Building a Multi-Million Dollar Solar Business: The Inspiring Journey of Taylor “TJ” Nelson

Taylor “TJ” Nelson
Sourced Photo (Image commercially licensed)

Taylor “TJ” Nelson’s story is one of perseverance, resilience, and strength in the face of adversity. Despite battling Lyme disease, he managed to build a multi-million dollar business from scratch and become a bestselling author.

TJ’s journey began with his sales career. Through his grit, guts and passion for the job, he quickly rose to the top, becoming one of the top sales reps in his first month of selling cars. He then decided to pursue online entrepreneurship and moved to Asia to make it happen.

His success in sales continued when he became the number one door-to-door sales rep for SolarCity, the largest residential solar company at the time. But TJ’s greatest challenge has yet to come.

Lyme disease is a debilitating illness that affects many aspects of a person’s life. TJ was no exception. He had to deal with physical pain, mental and emotional distress, and financial strain due to the high cost of medical treatment.

But TJ refused to let Lyme disease defeat him. He used various techniques, including somatic experiencing, therapy, meditation, and care for his physical and mental well-being, to overcome the challenges that came his way.

He also shared his story in his book, “Walk the Lyme,” which became a bestseller on Amazon in two categories. The book provides hope and inspiration to anyone going through a rough time, especially those struggling with health problems or mental illness.

Despite his health challenges, TJ continued to build his business, Direct Solar, into a multimillion-dollar enterprise. He relied on strong leadership and systems to keep the business running while he focused on his recovery.

TJ’s ultimate goal is to become a motivational speaker and inspire others to rise above their limitations. He wants to use his experience and knowledge to positively influence people struggling to rise up.

TJ’s story is a testament to the power of resilience and determination. He refused to let Lyme disease defeat him and continued to pursue his dreams. His journey is an inspiration to anyone facing challenges in life and a reminder that anything is possible with the right mindset and attitude.

To learn more about Taylor “TJ” Nelson, follow him on Facebook and Instagram.


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