Top Performing Chinese Herb Medicine Remedies for Women’s Health Concerns

 Longevity Mountain Herbs (LMH) addresses the main physical concerns women have with surprisingly effective formulas that are time-tested by millions of women. Great herbalists from the past have contributed to the development of Grandmaster formulas on which LMH’s senior herbalist, Mark Hammer CMH, has expanded so that women can benefit remarkably.

With the high levels of stress being created in our world, women’s mental and physical well-being have become greatly challenged. As a result, reproductive system disorders have increased. Infections of the reproductive tracts, menopause, PCOD, and endometriosis are some of the afflictions commonly assessed in women. Conditions such as PCOS primarily happen due to a monotonous lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, etc. Many women try conventional medicine to treat such issues, which is beneficial. However, considering the complex nature and sensitivity a woman’s body presents, it is advisable to consider natural, alternative medicine which consists of many modalities with little to no side effects. One such practice that recovers women’s health problems the Chinese way is Longevity Mountain Herbs, a Chinese medicine online store, and clinic developed by senior master herbalist, Mark Hammer.

Besides women’s health, Longevity Mountain Herbs also helps treat common problems such as colds and extreme flu, chronic and acute pain, diabetes, digestion/elimination problems and even animal health. However, this article in particular focuses on women’s overall well-being, ranging from chronic fatigue to anxiety, high blood pressure, menopause, memory and concentration challenges.

  1. Tackling cramps, mood swings, and hormonal imbalances in women: Most women feel low on energy while on their periods, and there are also some who face an irregular menstrual cycle due to hormonal imbalances. Not to worry, Chinese Herbal Medicine has it all for women, which works at the root cause of the issue and resolves it completely. Chinese herb formulas balance the hormones (progesterone, estrogen, etc.), centering conditions related to PMS, infertility, post miscarriage and post partum depression. Longevity Mountain’s  Female Comfort is considered a historical formula, which dates back to the Song Dynasty in China. Millions of women have been treated by this formula for over 1000 years, having treated more than 30+ women’s conditions.
  1. The Best Chinese Herbs for Menopause : Women go through a lot of bodily changes while transitioning from healthy menstruation to menopause. While not every woman experiences menopause, many do suffer from hot flashes, night sweats, heart palpitations, and dizziness, and thirty-plus more. Longevity Mountain Herbs’ Menopause Comfort Master Formula balances menopause symptoms and has many benefits to follow, such as easing insomnia, normalising blood pressure, easing weight gain, and supporting proper metabolism. And for extreme menopause, we have Paramalin for those extra challenging conditions which all other menopause products fail to deliver. 
  1. Effective herbs for women’s heart problems : Research shows that 315,000 American women die (2020) of cardiovascular ailments every year. It is the #1 reason for a woman’s death. To recover from this condition, LMH’s Heart Comfort opens up the targeted channels, allowing blood to flow, which works in just 45-60 minutes.Since each person is unique where the root cause of the heart obstruction is numerous, distinct or customized formulas are provided to open up the channels, organically and energetically.   
  1. Chinese Herbal Medicine brings you the best blood pressure herbs for women : Longevity Chinese herbs when combined with Heart Comfort rapidly alleviates the pressure of the circulatory walls. The formula’s emphasis is to alleviate cellular inflammation within the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries thus relaxing and creating more elasticity within the channels. The formulas have zero side effects, only benefits. The chest region relaxes, pain resolves, calmness establishes with anxiety exiting.

Longevity Mountain Herbs List of Formulations for Women 

  • Paramalin: Antimicrobial Master Formula that eliminates extreme menopause, acne, hotflash and wave, fever, sweating, insomnia, etc.
  • Pearl Skin Cream: Combats acne, facial itching, cleanses and recovers skin.
  • Peri-Menopause Comfort : Beneficial for pre-menopausal women that desire to re-establish their menstrual cycle and beginning menopausal characteristics.
  • Female Comfort: Clears toxic blood by energizing the liver and spleen. Eliminates PCOS, PMS, PMDD. Prevents miscarriage, fortifies women’s health.
  • Bladder Comfort: This master formula cools and corrects imbalances in the bladder and urinary tract. Clears UTIs completely, naturally.
  • Breast Support: Improves breast health and eliminates lumps, etc.
  • Maternal Comfort: Recommended formula for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  • Endo Comfort: Recovers endometriosis, eradicates pain, restores the health of the uterus.
  • Menopause Comfort: This herbal formula is for women experiencing hot flashes, dry mouth, mood swings, night sweats, vaginal discomfort and mild constipation.

These Chinese herbal formulas have been in use for ages and have benefitted millions of women across the globe.


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