October 18, 2024
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Lindsay Capuano Hit the Industry with a Splash and Is Here to Stay

Born and raised in a small town right in the middle of the third smallest state, Lindsay has had a love of music since an early age. Although her basic environment didn’t have too much of an impact on her musical abilities, she’s loved to sing her entire life. As a kid, Lindsay was always trying different hobbies and sports, but the only thing that stayed near and dear was her love for singing. What started with a karaoke machine and singing video games turned into being a part of her local school’s choir, and even landing herself a lead role in her school’s play due to her unique voice and talents. After that she went on to start vocal lessons and excel in competitions and continued with that until hitting a rough patch with school and work.

After putting a pause to her music ambitions, Lindsay finished her schooling and set out on her career as an entertainer. She realized she still had the same love for music and wanted to introduce her audience to some of her talents. This time, she wanted the world to hear her voice and her message and began writing her own songs rather than compete with covers from others’ songs. Teaming up with industry powerhouse writer Damon Sharpe and taking inspiration from the beautiful voices and careers of Lana Del Ray and Adele, she built a recording studio in her basement, and here we are about 2 years later with “Shotgun Love.”

“Shotgun Love” is the product of several sleepless nights writing and polishing vocals as well as a push out of Lindsay’s usual comfort zone. She wants to target anybody who can feel the emotion behind her lyrics and resonate with her as an artist. Lindsay is looking to stand out with this release more than your average singer would; she has a plan to reintroduce some genres of music that could potentially shift the sound of pop again. This release is about Lindsay being Lindsay and showing the world what she’s all about.


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