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What Vitamins Should You Take: The Ultimate Guide

There is a lot of information out there about health and wellness. So much so that it can be difficult to filter out the white noise from valid and legitimate sources. If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed about what to trust when it comes to nutrition, health, and wellness, that’s totally understandable. We need at least a pinch of caution when it comes to deciding what we’re going to put in our bodies and who we’re going to trust when it comes to nutritional science. Understanding the basic vitamins and minerals that are essential to our bodies’ healthy functionality and operation can help guide you in crafting a nutritional plan that will suit your lifestyle and your body’s needs. 

Before delving into the list of vitamins that are healthy to take on a regular basis, it’s important to remember that these vitamin tablets, capsules, and other pills are only supplemental. In other words, nothing on this list is an acceptable substitute for a balanced and nutritious diet that includes plenty of fruits, veggies, and proteins. 

Integrating a series of vitamin supplements into your diet, though, can help you live a healthier and happier life. 

“Nutrition is highly personalized because everyone has different nutrient needs based on their diet, lifestyle, age, sex, and more. Once your basic nutrient needs are met through good nutrition and a basic supplement routine, you’ll be on your way to feeling your best. Remember that you can always tweak your routine along the way to meet your specific goals, as they change over time.”

Chelsey Amer, Author and Registered Dietitian, The Wellnest

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of our bodies’ most unique and essential vitamins. Taking a quick scientific history lesson, dietitians and nutritionists have been warning that the population would develop a vitamin D deficiency for quite some time. This problem is partially due to the growing sedentary lifestyle that so many of us are living. What makes vitamin D so unique is that it acts as both a vitamin and a hormone within the confines of our bodies. As such, a lack of vitamin D impacts mental health, immune health, and bone density. It’s also unique because it can be created through exposure to the sun. 

“When I used to live in the midwest, I felt really terrible throughout most of the year. I started taking vitamin D supplements, and it absolutely changed my world. Eventually, I moved out here, so I get a lot more natural vitamin D from the sun, but yeah. I’ll never forget that.”

Ryan Rottman, Co-Founder and CEO, OSDB Sports 

Suppose moving to a sunnier place isn’t an option, and you don’t plan on increasing your time outdoors either. In that case, a vitamin D supplement can be just the thing your body needs to maintain healthy levels of the essential vitamin. 

“I love taking vitamin D supplements in the winter because that’s when it’s just gray outside all day long. It gets tiresome, and I really feel an impact on my energy levels. Vitamin D supplements help mitigate that at least a little bit.”

Caroline Duggan, Chief Brand Officer, Lumineux Oral Essentials

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a popular ingredient in many energy drinks that you’ll find lining the shelves of gas stations and other convenience stores. This is because vitamin B12 actually plays a major role in our energy level. However, taking a vitamin B12 supplement is most impactful for those who are eating a somewhat restricted diet. Specifically, vitamin B12 is a crucial supplement to take if you live a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. 

“After my first year going vegetarian, I felt like I couldn’t lift my head off the pillow in the mornings, but I didn’t want to give up. I was pretty headstrong in that way. My partner finally convinced me to at least see a doctor, and it turns out my B12 levels were dangerously low. I got on a supplement, and I’m still vegetarian today!” 

Omid Semino, CEO and Founder, Diamond Mansion

The reason that vitamin B12 supplements are so important for those who choose a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle is because the vitamin is typically found in animal-based products like various types of meat. As such, vegans and vegetarians are simply exposed to fewer vitamin B12 in their natural diets. This is important to recognize because vitamin B12 helps with important bodily functions like red-blood-cell formation, maintaining energy levels, and maintaining nerve sensitivity. 

“You don’t realize what you have until you don’t. The same applies to changing your diet. If you’re considering a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, more power to you, but just do your research and go about it in a healthy way.”

Jeff Goodwin, Sr. Director, Performance Marketing and E-Commerce, Orgain

Once Daily Multi-Vitamins

We’ve all heard or seen the commercials for once-daily vitamins. What are they exactly, though, and why do they have such an important place in the world of vitamin supplements? A once-daily vitamin is typically a combination of vitamins and minerals that our body needs to stay healthy. Generally, multivitamins contain 100% of the daily recommended dose of over 20 different minerals and vitamins. This makes multivitamins an extremely easy way for you to fill any nutritional holes in your regular diet.

“I absolutely take a once-daily vitamin. It helps me feel confident that I’m giving my body just about everything it needs on a regular basis, regardless of my diet that week. Don’t get me wrong, I still try to eat healthily, but having a multivitamin allows me to be at least a little flexible with myself.”

 Adam Bém, Co-Founder and COO, Victoria VR

An important note to make about multivitamins is that they vary from brand to brand and in their composition, as well. For instance, there are men’s daily multivitamins and women’s daily multivitamins, too. So do some research before picking the multivitamin that you’re sure you want to add to your supplement routine.

“It took me a few tries, but I finally found a brand of multivitamin that I really love using. It doesn’t only make me feel better and more energized throughout the day, but it also tastes good. That’s important too!”

Karim Hachem, VP of eCommerce, La Blanca

Fish Oil

Fish oil, while not a vitamin, brings a plethora of benefits to the human body. Some of the most notable health benefits that fish oil brings comes from the healthy Omega 3 fats that are present in the supplement. These Omega 3’s are good for both joint and heart health and make fish oil an excellent supplement to add to anyone’s diet.

“I work with my hands a lot, and I don’t want to stop working anytime soon, so I take fish oil on a daily basis. It’s mostly preventative, but I feel like it’s doing its job. I never notice any joint pain at all.”

Jayme Muller, Brand Manager, RTA Outdoor Living

When it comes to choosing your fish oil supplement, it’s important to understand the differences between the variety of Omega 3 oils there are. The two most important things you want to look for in a fish oil supplement are EPA and DHA, which work in concert to promote healthy skin, a healthy brain, a healthy heart, and healthy joints. 

“I didn’t pay any attention to the brand of fish oil I used, but now I only trust the one. Understanding how big of a difference quality makes when it comes to fish oil supplements really helped me bite the bullet when it came to paying for a slightly higher grade product.”

Ian Heyman, Founder, Dermasteel


Fish oil isn’t the only supplement that’s good for your bones and your joints. Calcium is another major player in the game of bone and joint health. While many people get calcium through various dairy products, with many people starting to avoid dairy in their diets, though, more and more people are developing calcium deficiencies. 

“If you’re going to reduce your dairy intake, there’s nothing wrong with that at all, just make sure you aren’t hurting your body. Our bones need calcium, so maybe consider adding a calcium supplement into your regimen.”

Michael Fischer, Founder, Elite HRT

If you aren’t sure whether or not you’re meeting your daily calcium needs, it can pay to take a quick trip to the doctor’s office for a check-up. 

“Any time I change my diet in a significant way, I make sure to have a conversation with my doctor first. That way, I have a good idea of how to approach the transition in a healthy way that won’t shock my body.”

Noel Jones, PR Coordinator, Brandon Blackwood

Wrapping up on Essential Vitamins

We only ever get one body in this lifetime, so taking care of it is absolutely essential. Living a long, healthy, and happy life takes a certain amount of dedication to physical health and wellness. By incorporating vitamins and other supplements into your diet, you can rest assured that your body is getting all the important nutrients, minerals, and vitamins it needs to operate at its highest level.

“The key is to know what essential vitamins and nutrients to look out for, to carefully assess your diet, and to consider how your lifestyle and long-term health goals come into play. Remember that vitamins and supplements are not meant to replace a healthy diet. Beyond nutrients, fresh fruits and vegetables provide antioxidants, phytochemicals, and fiber, all of which are important.”

Diana Morgan, Author, Care/Of

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