September 16, 2024
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Renowned Dermatologist Dr. Rola Shahadat Shares Her Journey to Success

Dr.Rola Shahadat
Sourced Photo (Images internally provided)

Dr. Rola Shahadat is a Syrian-Ukrainian doctor with a specialization in dermatology and cosmetics. Hailing from a family of doctors, Dr. Rola knew she wanted to follow the same path since she was a kid. She used to watch her father practice and how devoted he was to his job. And she was quite young when she made up her mind that she would go the same route and help people. She has always been passionate about appearances and has grown up believing that beauty and confidence start from being comfortable in your skin. Hence, Dr. Rola chose cosmetic dermatology as a profession.  

She began her career in a renowned anti-ageing clinic in Europe and worked there for 10 years after completing her education. Later, she decided to move to Dubai, where she partnered with a famous franchise to open a clinic under her name and supervision. In less than two years, she became a household name in the Gulf region. 

Even though her career got a breakthrough in Dubai, the journey wasn’t smooth sailing for her. For the first few years, Dr. Rola put in a lot of effort to establish her name, and during that time, she built a team of professionals, training them with advanced cosmetic skills. Not only that, many practitioners seek help from her to learn the tricks of the trade. Moreover, she became the official trainer for a lip filler technique, Russian Lips, in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). 

In fact, it won’t be an understatement if we say that Dr. Rola has accomplished everything because of her commitment, tenacity, and consistency. She’s a woman of dreams and passion, and that is what encourages her to keep moving forward. Due to her optimism and humble demeanour, she is adored by all her patients. She always urges her patients to trust their medical professionals and practice patience. According to her, cosmetic treatments take a certain amount of time to get the desired results. Additionally, she advises her clients to embrace themselves the way they are because no skin is flawless. Everyone has imperfections, and if you learn the art of loving yourself, these cosmetic procedures will serve you accurately. Everyone has the right to select what they want to do and how they want to look, so she uses her skills and treatments to raise people’s self-esteem. 

Dr. Rola is committed to maximizing the use of medical miracles in cosmetology. “Seeing the happiness in my patients’ eyes after watching their transformative journey and getting their amazing and lovely feedback is the best feeling in the world for me,” she shared. “I can observe people’s trust in me and how they come to me to boost their self-esteem and morale. Usually, I get patients who need treatment for skin problems caused by other doctors, and that’s what keeps me thriving; to know they trust me. I love the fact that I get to make connections for life. Dermatology is not something you treat, and that’s it, the skin needs constant attention and care, and dermatologists tend to create a long-term relationship with their patients to know their wishes and requirements,” Dr. Rola explained.

Dermatology and cosmetology are evolving fields of medicine, and new techniques are introduced every now and then. It’s necessary to stay up to date with the latest trends, which necessitates hard work and many sleepless nights. Being a dermatologist isn’t a piece of cake, but the love and passion for the job make it easier. As for Dr. Rola, her greatest strength is that she stands up stronger every time she falls, and whenever someone tries to sabotage her, she comes out of it with renewed energy and determination. For her, every setback is a challenge that helps her learn something new.

With more than a decade of experience and understanding of people’s needs, she has launched her face cream collection too. The range includes skin healing and brightening, baby face cream and body lightening cream, which thousands of her valued customers keep on raving about. Currently, she is working on her brand ‘Dr. Rola Beauty’ and will soon introduce a perfume label as well. 

Dr. Rola Shahadat stands for womanhood, and through her brand, which is the epitome of embracing confidence and femininity, she aims to encourage women to pursue their goals and carve out their own paths. She is a driven and committed individual and serves as a role model for women worldwide, especially Arab women. She has accomplished significant milestones in her medical career and is still working toward obtaining more. She has proven that women, irrespective of their ethnicity and background, can go a long way. She is a loving mother, an accomplished doctor, and a successful entrepreneur who isn’t afraid to break boundaries and stereotypes. Dr. Rola believes that if women set their minds and hearts to something, nothing or no one can stop them from achieving their goals. 

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