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Dr. John Parente: ER Doctor & Self-Made Entrepreneur

Dr. John Parente: ER Doctor & Self-Made Entrepreneur
Photo Courtesy: Dr. John Parente /

By: John Glover (MBA)

Early Years: Hard Work and Faith

Growing up as a first-generation Italian-American in Cleveland, my formative years were deeply influenced by my family’s strong values and unwavering work ethic. My father, a self-made man, was the epitome of perseverance, working tirelessly to provide for our family. His relentless dedication not only secured our livelihood but also instilled in me the importance of hard work. From a young age, I was immersed in his world of labor-intensive tasks, learning firsthand what it meant to earn one’s keep. My mother, equally influential, often reminded me of the benefits of academic excellence, urging me to excel in school to avoid the physical toil she witnessed my father endure daily.

Raised in a Catholic household, my faith became a cornerstone of my identity, offering a moral compass and grounding me in values such as integrity, kindness, and humility. This spiritual foundation provided strength and guidance throughout my life’s journey.

Dr. John Parente: ER Doctor & Self-Made Entrepreneur
Photo Courtesy: Dr. John Parente

The Path to a Medical Career

My early exposure to hard work fueled my ambition to excel academically. Encouraged by my mother’s advice, I pursued education with a fervor that led me to top grades and eventually to a prestigious medical school. The transition from academic success to medical practice was both challenging and rewarding. My passion for medicine grew from a genuine desire to help those in need, finding profound satisfaction in making a significant impact on patients’ lives in critical moments. Despite the fulfillment, I remain critical of the healthcare system’s flaws. On my podcast, I often address systemic issues, such as those caused by unregulated insurance companies, and discuss the arduous journey patients face due to these challenges.

Dr. John Parente: ER Doctor & Self-Made Entrepreneur
Photo Courtesy: Dr. John Parente

Memorable Moments in the ER & Beyond

The emergency room is a realm of intense and unforgettable experiences. One particularly striking moment occurred when I witnessed a pedestrian being struck by a car right before my eyes. Still in my hospital attire, I rushed to provide critical care on the street, working alongside EMS to give the injured individual the best chance of survival. Despite our efforts, he did not make it, but being present during his final moments was a profound and humbling experience for me. Such incidents underscore the unpredictable and demanding nature of emergency medicine, where every second counts and every action matters. “Additionally, I started a physician-guided weight loss company and engaged in real estate ventures with my father, flipping homes and building custom houses. Recently, I co-founded a private equity firm investing in various business and real estate projects.”

Beyond my medical career, my entrepreneurial spirit has led me to diverse ventures. In 2008, I founded an ER staffing company, which thrived for a decade before being acquired by a major staffing firm. My entrepreneurial pursuits also include launching a physician-guided weight loss company and engaging in real estate projects with my father. Together, we have flipped homes and built custom houses. Recently, I co-founded a private equity firm that invests in a range of business and real estate opportunities, reflecting my ongoing commitment to innovation and growth.

Dr. John Parente: ER Doctor & Self-Made Entrepreneur
Photo Courtesy: Dr. John Parente

Social Media Goals, Future Collaborations, and Professional Pride

On a personal level, my greatest pride lies in being a devoted family man. My role as a husband and father is both my greatest joy and responsibility. Professionally, the rigorous path I undertook to become an emergency medicine physician stands out as my most significant achievement. The top-tier training I received equips me with the confidence and expertise to handle any emergency situation.

As a content creator on Instagram and TikTok, my objective is to provide informative, accurate, and occasionally humorous content. By addressing misinformation and offering valuable healthcare insights, I aim to help people navigate the complex healthcare system. For example, a video I produced about the dangers of carbon monoxide led a secretary to realize that her son’s severe headaches were caused by a faulty space heater, potentially saving his life. This impact, both in medicine and on social media, drives my commitment to educating and supporting others.


Published By: Aize Perez

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