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How to Get Your Dog Through the Hot Brooklyn Summers

Brooklyn can have pretty hot summers, leading to health problems for humans and dogs. Here are a few tips for getting your dog through them.

Summertime can be a dangerous season for dogs, especially since dogs spend much of their time outdoors. However, if your dog has never experienced a heat-related issue, you’re in the minority. As many as 77% of pets in the United States and Canada have experienced heat-related episodes.

If you want to keep your dog safe during Brooklyn summers, you must know how to do it. So here are five tips to help with the summer heat.

  1. Understand the weather in Brooklyn

First, you need to understand Brooklyn’s summer weather to know when it might be safe for your dog to be outside. You’ll most likely see high temperatures in Brooklyn in July and August. July has an average high of 85 degrees Fahrenheit, while August has an average high of 84. However, the hottest yearly temperatures are consistently in the high 90s, with a few years going up past 100 degrees.

  1. Offer water at all times.

Water is a big part of keeping your dog safe. Ensure your dog always has a fresh supply of clean water for drinking. Cool water is okay, but avoid giving your dog cold water immediately after they come inside from the heat. The shock to the system can make them absorb less of the water.

  1. Consider dog booties and clothing.

Dog paws are generally as sensitive as your hands and feet. So if you would be uncomfortable walking on the hot pavement barefoot, your dog will probably be just as uncomfortable. Dog booties can be helpful for the Brooklyn summers and the winters, where lows in January can get as low as 27 degrees Fahrenheit.

  1. Make air conditioning and shade available.

Both air conditioning and shade are essential to keep your dog safe during the summer. Shade is an excellent way for your dog to take a few minutes to cool off before jumping right back into the action. However, your dog might seek out air conditioning if they’re warm and want to ward off heat-related issues. Your dog knows when the heat has gotten too much, and you can keep them safe by ensuring air conditioning is available.

  1. Be on the lookout for signs of heat exhaustion.

One of the best ways to avoid having a heat-related injury is to know what the warning signs look like. For example, your dog will start panting heavily and won’t seem as interested in playing or walking with you. Instead, they may dig into the ground to get to the excellent soil. More severe signs of heat exhaustion may include vomiting, diarrhea, and collapse, which indicate a medical emergency you should contact a vet about immediately.

How to help your dog recover from heat-related issues

If your dog has started exhibiting signs of heat exhaustion, overheating, or heatstroke, start by moving your dog to a cool area. Once your dog has started to cool down and is back to its old self, book an online virtual care appointment in Brooklyn. Doing this can help ensure your dog is back to normal, and a vet can help you avoid this problem in the future.

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