September 19, 2024
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Reviving the Art of Mosaic Through Pools and Architectural Design

Art is an integral part of society and culture, with traditional methods dating back thousands of years. Among the most utilized art mediums in ancient times was mosaic, a process that puts materials like glass, tiles, or stones together to form a picture. Once a widely celebrated art form, mosaic slowly faded from the spotlight. While it lingered in the history books and old buildings, Ray Corral decided to bring back the beautiful art form with the establishment of Mosaicist Inc.

Based in Miami, Florida, Mosaicist has been responsible for reviving mosaics in churches, city projects, and commercial locations. Operating for over 25 years, Ray Corral built a top-notch company that has become renowned for delivering high-quality mosaic craftsmanship. Mosaicist is dedicated to instilling unique artworks for various architectural beautifications.

Mosaicist takes pride in offering end-to-end service to clients that start from design to manufacture and onsite installation. In addition, the company provides its services in-house, giving it a certain edge as a premier company. Recently, the company has been taking its services to the swimming pool projects, injecting its creativity and personalized approach to paint the waters with colors that only mosaic provides. 

Mosaicist develops custom designs that complement the building or pool’s architectural style when it comes to designs. The company blends history and modern craftsmanship with installation options that date as far back as old techniques and methods from the Byzantine era. Despite applying older methods, Mosaicist strikes the right balance with high-performance installation products and methods seen in the market today.

The success that Mosaicist has achieved today would have been impossible without its founder, Ray Corral. The stellar leadership Ray displays can be attributed to his three decades of experience in the field. Using his experience, Ray delved into the depths of art to rediscover his passion for the mosaic style. The Mosaicist founder’s decision to pursue mosaic art can be attributed to his nature. A designer and artist at heart, Ray Corral wanted to find a professional that could support his passion and help him grow in his expertise.

Initially, Ray’s career started by designing the interiors of upscale homes in South Florida. He was conceptualizing designs for posh kitchens, bathrooms, and swimming pools when Ray discovered his passion for mosaic. He realized that the high-end finish and materials mosaics use could withstand pressure underwater and hold well. It was from there that he conceptualized Mosaicist.

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