Sunny Bunny Swim in the Business of Making Quality Swimwears and Giving Back to Society

Sunny Bunny Swim was founded by like-minded individuals with no money and zero experience but driven by their dream and desire to become impactful. The company, which began operations in a garage, took several months of planning and testing new products before it was finally launched to the public. For any start-up, going on to make approximately 1,000 sales was insane at the time.

The company now operates and delivers to over twenty-one countries and has acquired hundreds of thousands of customers over the years, thanks to its quality products and friendly and accessible customer support team. 

In 2020, Sunny Bunny Swim gave over 100,000 people free bikinis (approx. 200,000 products). At the end of April 2021, Sunny Bunny Swim will be providing 250,000 people free bikinis, 500,000 products. For any company, that’s something very risky and expensive to do. But driven by a sense of responsibility, they have figured a way to make it work, give back to the world, and make a positive difference, mitigating all of the negativities surrounding this promotion’s planning and logistics.

Sunny Bunny Swim caters to a younger demographic that is tech-savvy and ICT-inclined. As most of the company’s campaigns and promotions are done on Instagram and Tik Tok, this is mainly because it has no physical locations. Even though there are plans in the pipeline to expand the company into having physical stores to cater to a broader audience in the future, however, for now, the company does an excellent job of conducting business and sales online. 

For Sunny Bunny Swim, competition or rivalry with other brands is non-existent. Instead, the company is focused on providing high-quality products at an affordable price. Simultaneously, the company gives millions of dollars in product away every year as a statement that there are companies that care and want to make a change.

So far, Sunny Bunny Swim remains committed to making a change in the world despite the numerous challenges. “When pursuing a purposeful goal, it’s easier to look past obstacles simply by constantly reminding yourself that it’s all a part of the process, by overcoming those obstacles you’ll one day be able to make meaningful changes, and by fighting for the people who depend on you to do so (i.e., employees, etc.).”

In five years, Sunny Bunny Swim intends to establish an initiative that will fund women’s education globally and provide clothing for people who cannot afford quality clothing, and give out scholarships to the poor. The company’s goal is to make as much meaningful impact on the world as possible. 

According to the company’s media department, at the end of April 2021, Sunny Bunny Swim will be giving up to 250,000 people free bikinis. “Anyone who wants to participate can do so because we want people to know that even if it is unlikely you will succeed, or no matter how many obstacles arise, never give up on your dreams.” The statement concludes. To learn more about Sunny Bunny Swim, visit their website.


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