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5 Most Attractive Zodiac Signs

What is Zodiac Signs?

The Zodiac is a system of astrology that assigns each year to one of twelve constellations that influence the occurrence of events and form a pattern or cycle. The first known record of the zodiac was in Babylonian cuneiform texts from ca. 3000 BC, and its astrological significance was recognized in ancient Egypt: decans were listed as two-hour divisions within each zodiacal constellation, and three decans per day constituted a full zodiacal hour-division.

There are eighty-four points in the Zodiac and twelve Zodiac Signs. The Zodiac is based on the seven visible planets of our solar system, with fixed stars used to indicate the remaining thirty-six constellations. Each sign represents a cycle of elements, but any one element takes a different position within the cycle for each sign.

There are also twelve houses (also referred to as signs) of a person’s horoscope. Each house is ruled by one of the twelve astrological signs, and each astrological sign has two elements in it. This makes up a total of three elemental houses per sign. These combinations of elements allow us to calculate the date and time that someone was born, as well as tracking their development from birth until death.

Top 5 Most Attractive Zodiac Signs:

  1. Leo-A lion is the symbol of Leo and a person born under the sign of Leo has magnetic personality.
  2. Scorpio-Scorpio is one of the most intense, passionate and passionate Zodiac sign that never forgets.
  3. Sagittarius-Sagittarius are very outgoing, practical and open minded people, who believe in living life to the fullest.
  4. Libra- Libra is the sign of harmony, and Balance is maintained in their lives.
  5. Gemini-Geminis are very communicative and have a great variety of theoretical interests.

The birth chart is a map of the heavens showing where each planet was at the time of your birth. Also, different aspects of the planets and their positions in relation to other planets make it possible to see a range of possibilities. The birth chart gives an insight into how you may have been influenced by things outside your initial control, such as your parents or siblings, and also how you may have unconsciously relied on such things in order to function comfortably at all times.

In astrology, the birth chart is combined with time and time/space concepts to form a composite picture of the zodiacal influences that affect all individuals. The zodiac signs are not just symbols, but actually represent real people and influences. At an early age, each of us is thought to be “marked” by one or another star in our birth chart, which then sets the way we will behave throughout our lives.

Impact of Zodiac Signs on life’s success:

First house (Ascendant)- This zodiac sign will become the most attractive if this house is occupied by Mars or Venus. People who have Mars in the first house are likely to get attracted towards physical pleasures and probably have many sexual partners. Similarly, those who have Venus in the first house are likely to be attractive due to their charm and love for fine things.

Second House – Money matters and wealth are likely to be major problems for people who have Mercury or Saturn occupying the second house. They would be the most attractive if they find some way to make their life comfortable.

Third House – People with Jupiter and Moon in this house are likely to have an attractive personality. But they might have many enemies and troubles in their life.

Fourth House – People who have Uranus or Saturn occupying the fourth house are usually considered dangerous. Due to their bad behavior. Their life will be full of treachery and deceit. But they will also have great creativity and often get attracted towards music. Arts and entertainment.

Fifth House – People with the Sun or Mars occupying the fifth house usually react very strongly. They will also be considered very attractive as there are many people who will try to attract them.

Sixth House – This zodiac sign is considered one of the most attractive ones because of their good manners and ability to make friends. If this house is occupied by Venus, then people involved in nature can be easily attracted towards them.

Importance of Zodiac Signs:

Aries- If you are Aries, then Mercury is the planet which has maximum impact on your life. It will have great influence on your professional and personal life.

Taurus- You are Taurus, if you have Venus in your horoscope chart. Venus has great impact on your love and professional life, so it is natural to attract others towards you.

Gemini- If you are Gemini, then Mercury is the planet that has maximum influence on your life. Mercury will have great impact on your professional as well as personal life.

Cancer- You are Cancer, if you have Moon in your horoscope chart. Moon is the planet that has maximum influence on your life. It can make you very attractive in the eyes of others.

Leo- You are Leo, if Mars is your ruling planet because Mars has maximum impact on your professional and personal life. It will help you to attract others towards you.


Human personalities are influenced by factors that exist outside of any individual’s control. Numerology is a system for determining someone’s life path and personality by evaluating. The meaning that numbers hold in one’s life. then applying those numbers to a chart known as a numerology chart.

While some people have already begun to realize the possibilities. That numerology brings into their lives, others may be on the fence about this ancient system.

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