September 8, 2024
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Kristal Klear and Rock Paper Scissors Foundation (RPS) Empowering and Restoring People from Brokenness to Wholeness

Abuse of different kinds is a prevalent thing for millions of people globally. Many have survived abuse, while a large number are still experiencing it or dealing with the traumas they have been left with. Kristal Klear has stepped with her organization, Rock Paper Scissors Foundation (RPS) to help and support people who have experienced physical abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse, and human trafficking.

Kristal Klear is passionate about restoring people from a state of brokenness to wholeness by challenging them to do something about the future even though nothing can be changed about the past. The entrepreneur, certified trauma coach, and published author believes that prevention and healing are good ways to give a voice to people who have been silenced by different forms of abuse.

Rock Paper Scissors Foundation (RPS) aims to create a new generation of overcomers by creating awareness on social media, organizing community events where people can speak out and speak up, connecting the needy with resources and referrals, offering healing programs for young people in society through the school system, supporting law enforcement efforts in cracking down on the abuse culture, and most importantly, loving people back to life and wholeness.

Kristal Klear leads a team at RPS that offers intervention, education, social advocacy in a bid to foster healing and give a voice to the silenced. RPS targets women, men, girls, and boys; and it sheds light on people, especially women who have overcome different forms of abuse. “We have an organic sense of providing community awareness, making a global impact, and unifying all walks of life. We also do not move within the box. We are okay with trying something new to customize each personal event program and opportunity to the real, true, authentic needs of our community and peers. We stand firm in being natural healers through transparency and truth, with freedom and no condemnation,” Kristal explained.

Building Rock Paper Scissors Foundation came to life to fill a void. There was no community or support system to break the stigma for the abused or give them a safe space to thrive. Kristal Klear decided to create that community, and so far, it has provided a haven for abuse victims of all ages. 

For the next few years, the goal is to make Rock Paper Scissors Foundation a nationally-recognized movement making an impact through programming, current affairs, community activism, resources, and conferences. Also, plans are underway to get a bill passed for human trafficking for all girls, especially brown girls. “We see ourselves being fully funded and staffed, and duplicated. We see training programs that go into organizations to make sure we are bringing awareness,” Kristal said.

As the awareness for abuse continues to rise, Kristal Klear looks forward to a wear where people get to see themselves in a truer and more authentic way by embracing themselves, their personal and career goals. The ultimate goal is a generation of Powerful individuals capable of achieving landmark success and generational wealth.

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